13/01/05●米国人の3分の1が本とまったく関係ない暮らしを。ピュー・リサーチ調べ 印刷

ピュー・リサーチが、昨年の12月27日にネットに『E-book Reading Jumps; Print Book Reading Declines 』という調査記事をアップしているが、この調査が興味深いので、ここに要約しておきたい。



 その内訳は、「iPad」や「Kindle Fire」のようなタブレット端末が2011年の15%から10ポイント上がって25%。「Kindle」や「Nook」のような電子書籍リーダーも2011年の9%から9ポイント上がって19%となっている。


Who read books in the past 12 months

 In the new Pew Internet survey 75% of Americans ages 16 and older said they had read a book in any platform in the previous 12 months. That is not statistically significantly different from the 78% who in late 2011 said in a survey they had read a book in the previous 12 months. Of them:

 ・89% of the book readers said they had read a printed book. This translates into 67% of all those ages 16 and older.

 ・30% of the book readers said they had read an e-book. This translates into 23% of all those ages 16 and older.

 ・17% of the book readers said they had listened to an audio book. This translates into 13% of all those ages 16 and older.

 All told, those book readers consumed a mean (average) of 15 books in the previous 12 months and a median (midpoint) of 6 books — in other words, half had read fewer than six and half had read more than six. That breaks down as follows:

 ・7% of Americans ages 16 and older read one book in the previous 12 months

 ・14% had read 2-3 books in that time block

 ・12% had read 4-5 books in that time block

 ・15% had read 6-10 books in that time block

 ・13% had read 11-20 books in that time block

 ・14% had read 21 or more books in that time block